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ICE is blocking VPN?????? WTF????

Somebody a solution for this or can somebody offer me a vpn on port 80? ^^

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I found the solution 😀
Just set mtu size different... 😁
many wifis don't like vpns and choke on them, made that experience too. # too, so it seems like some configuration thing. thanks for the hint, i'll try next time.
not blocking. it just doesn't work properly, gets disconnected all the time.
Never had any issues with my OpenVPN.
I read some article where the DB actually said: "Please use a VPN to secure your connection..." xD
Furthermore, WTF, they only use 2.4 GHz Network in their trains?!

Sadly I forgot to log at my wifi log, to see if they are doing some client steering or modifications to handle this enormous traffic.

One the other side a VPN is bad, because they could so something like Cashing Websites or stuff like this, to reduce latency and bandwidth the the cellular connection. But often Caches are evil... :/
I don't know... They should just get some contract with Netflix for deploying some "Netflix CDN Node" (yeah, wtf, netflix is his own CDN!!! xD) directly in the train... 😁 So you have no trouble just watching your series...
2.4 GHz can only have up to 40 MHz Bandwidth and then only 2 non overlapping Cells... Common use is 20 MHz with 3 non overlapping cells.
A good Signal strength ist Importamt ( but a good Signal strength can cause Hidden Station Problem) For high Modulation technique.
But If u Stream a Video in a 2.4 GHz network the Channel utilization rises enormous. In 5 GHz You can use vht. Fuethermore WiFi Situation becomes even worse due to perfomance Anomaly.

(Interesting topic, i will write something when i'm logged into a WiFi with my laptop ^^)
Why bother about overlapping cells? On an ICE there are only two points per coach where cells actually might overlap: at the junctions, so there's no worry about overlap here anyway.
Furthermore, signal strength is also not that important as there is practically no radio obstruction between passenger equipment and AP in the roof of the coach (except luggage maybe, but that is rarely severe).

You are probably right about the impact of streaming video to passenger equipment and its impact on overall performance with b/g/n networks, but then, from looking around, it seems not many passengers are actually streaming videos but are rather watching "canned" films.

Regardless of the aforementioned my observation is that I can get a steady and not severly impacted bunch of SSH sessions over OpenVPN (admittedly MTU 1400 hard coded on the VPN server endpoint) on an ICE, so can't be that bad. 😉